
袁晓婷, 刘威, 宣亚楠, 张艳艳, 闫永庆*
东北农业大学园艺学院, 哈尔滨150030

通信作者:闫永庆;E-mail: yanyongqing1966@163.com;Tel: 0451-55190563

摘 要:

为探讨Ca2+与盐生植物耐盐性的关系, 以唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)为试验材料, 研究不同浓度外源Ca2+对盐胁迫下唐古特白刺的生理响应, 结果表明, 盐浓度不高于300 mmol·L-1时, 施加一定浓度Ca2+ (≤15 mmol·L-1)可增加唐古特白刺叶片相对含水量, 提高叶片水势与根系活力, 降低电解质外渗率, 减少MDA含量, 增加脯氨酸的积累, 同时提高SOD和POD活性, 且这种趋势随Ca2+浓度的增加而增加。而高浓度Ca2+ (>15 mmol·L-1)对唐古特白刺各生理指标均表现出不同程度的抑制作用, 影响唐古特白刺的正常代谢活动。说明一定浓度的Ca2+ (≤15 mmol·L-1)能有效缓解盐胁迫(NaCl≤300 mmol·L-1)对唐古特白刺造成的伤害, 高盐胁迫下外施Ca2+缓解作用不明显, 甚至表现为抑制作用。

关键词:盐胁迫; Ca2+; 唐古特白刺

收稿:2013-08-26   修定:2013-10-29


Physiological Effects of Exogenous Ca2+on Nitraria tangutorum under Salt Stress

YUAN Xiao-Ting, LIU Wei, XUAN Ya-Nan, ZHANG Yan-Yan, YAN Yong-Qing*
College of Horticulture, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China

Corresponding author: YAN Yong-Qing; E-mail: yanyongqing1966@163.com; Tel: 0451-55190563


Nitraria tangutorum was used to investigate the relationship between calcium and salt tolerance of halophytes; physiological responses to exogenous calcium of different concentrations under salt stress were studied. The results showed that applying appropriate calcium (≤15 mmol·L-1) was able to increase the leaf relative water content and leaf water potential, enhance root activity, and reduce electrolyte leakage and MDA content, while accumulating proline and increasing SOD, POD activity when NaCl concentration was not higher than 300 mmol·L-1, and the trend increased with the rising of calcium concentrations. Yet high concentration of calcium (>15 mmol·L-1) have shown inhibition on the physiological indices ofN. tangutorum, affecting the normal metabolic activity. It suggested that appropriate calcium (≤15 mmol·L-1) can effectively alleviate the salt stress (NaCl≤300 mmol·L-1) damage to N. tangutorum, and the alleviating effect was not obvious under high salt stress, even showing inhibition to plant.

Key words: salt stress; calcium; Nitraria tangutorum

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